• Mrs. Zubrzycki's Behavior Plan

    • The discipline steps defined in the Student Handbook will be followed in the classroom. Parents will be notified by phone, email, or a note in the student's agenda.
    • Respectful behavior is expected in the classroom at all times.  If a student shows disrespect to another student, him or herself or to me, the appropriate consequences will follow. 
    • Good behavior is rewarded with the student's choice of rewards including but not limited to lunch with me, sitting at my desk, or extra time on the computer.
    • Whole class rewards are given when deemed by the teacher.



    Parents can help children have a successful school year by consistently following these tips:



    Talk to your child about his or her day.  Ask questions and listen to the answers.  Try to ask questions that need more of a response than yes or no.



    Help your child develop good study and review habits.  Provide a quiet place to study and complete homework assignments.  Check the homework for accuracy and neatness.



    Praise your child when he or she does well.



    Set aside time each night to read with your child. 



    Show how important school is by making sure your child attends school daily and arrives on time.



    Start your child's day with a good breakfast.



    Communicate with the teacher.



    Attend parent-teacher conferences.



    Take an active interest in school activities.

  • Back To School Night



    Social/Personal Expectations for Students This Year:


    Develop responsibility

    §  for themselves

    §  for property

    §  for their assignments

              Respect their peers’ successes and weaknesses

              Develop a feeling of pride for their accomplishments

              Focus on maintaining and improving self-concept

              Work cooperatively in groups/sharing

              Work independently when required

              Communicate openly and appropriately with peers and adults



    Academic Curriculum and Goals:


              Students will become successful in developing a variety of new skills

              Successful learner

    §  ready to learn (good night’s sleep, breakfast)

    §  prepared for class (has assignments complete, supplies)

    §  attends during instruction (listens, follows directions,  participates)

    §  meets a new concept positively-willing to try

    §  asks questions for clarification


          Academic Subjects


                       Language Arts

    Reading – Guided Reading Program; includes small group instruction on your child’s level and working in centers to complete grammar, spelling, reading, and writing activities.  SSR daily.


    Spelling– Sitton Spelling Program is used.  New words are introduced on Monday and tests are on Friday each full week. Daily practice will be given both in the classroom and for homework.


    English/Grammar – Cover basic parts of speech; Mainly covered in mini-lesson format with follow up in reading, writing, and centers.


    Writing – Five times weekly, teach forms of writing; take students through writing process.  Focus is on realistic fiction, informational and persuasive essays, poetry, and ASK practice.


                       Handwriting – practice during centers in areas of need


    Math– Envisions; focus is on hands-on activities, student ownership, and higher-level thinking; aligns with the Core-Curriculum Standards; will change classes this year to prepare for middle school.


    Social Studies – New Jersey will be the focus; regions, climate, history, etc…,


    Science–No book; focuses on hands-on learning and discovery; 4 themes are: Microworlds, Ecosystems, Sound and Light, and Astronomy/Solar System.


    Specials– Monday/Music, Tuesday/Library, Wednesday/Gym and health(in math class), Thursday/Art, and Friday/Gym and Technology


    Morning Meeting-Each day during 1st period; gives students a chance to get to know each other better


    Emphasis on Organizational Skills


    Assignment Book

                       Students copy all assignments from board daily

                       Parent needs to check and sign it daily

    If you need to jot me a note, please use the “notes” section at bottom of page

                       Tests announced several days in advance


    Grading System:


    All graded classwork and homework is sent home weekly in the Friday Folder.  Please look over the papers and sign and return the folder only.  Leave papers at home.


    Students receive As, Bs, Cs, etc…  A combination of classwork, projects, homework, and tests determines their grade. The grading system changes in fourth grade. 

                                 A: 93-100%

                                 B:  85-92%

                                 C:  77-84%

                                 D:  70-76%

                                 E:  Below 70%


     Most homework will be graded for completion.  If an assignment is not completed on time, please have your child complete it the next night and turn it in to me.


    Please remind your child to read for 15 minutes each night.  They will be responsible for a monthly reading log. 



    Homework should take approximately 30 minutes each night.  In addition to this, they should be reading 15-20 minutes daily.


    If your child is absent, please remember to call the office by 9:00 and send in a written excuse when they return.  If dismissal plans change from the normal routine, you MUST send written notice with your child that day.


    If you need to speak to me, you can call the school.  I am available from 7:15 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. and again from 3:40 p.m. to 3:45p.m.  My voice mail extension is 2132. You can also e-mail me at szubrzycki@westamptonschools.org.


    Please feel free to visit my website at www.westamptonschools.org.  Click on “Classrooms”, then “Fourth Grade”.   You will find the daily homework and other important information there.


    We’re in this together – Your child’s success is a collaborative effort.