•     Welcome to Mrs. Friedman's Spanish.    8th Spanish

    Bienvenidos a la clase de Español. 


  •  In these page you will find information about World Language homework and assignments. 


                         Class Information

     Hola! Welcome to my Spanish class. This class requires your active participation in class as well as the completion of homework, classwork and projects inside class and outside of class. In addition there will be time scheduled in the computer lab, videos, pair work, oral and listening activities, and cultural celebrations like( Latin dances, Cooking classes and cKaraoke Friday's).


                          Required Materials

                      1- Folder

                      2- Pen/ Pencils

                      3- Your Agenda

     Each student needs to bring all material to class every day.



     In this class we will be working with the Textbook Que Chevere series, however you will not be issued a textbook. When working from the text in class students will be assigned a book for an hour. If student needs to take a textbook home, they can see me and I will assign one for you for the night or few days. Que chevere will be used daily for reading exercises, writing practice , oral communication and to learn about other different cultures as well.


                        Overview of the class

    1- Discussion of importance of learning a Language.

    2- Basic greeting, Intro.skills, Farewells.

    3- Identify themselves and others.

    4- School - Identify classroom objects.

    5- Adjectives, gender agreement, expressing Poss.

    6- Verbs conjugations, Basic vocabulary.

    7- Countries study, cultural events, music, holidays.

    8- Let's go to the City.

    9- My Family and my friends.

    10- A typical week

    11- At home/ my free time/my chores/ electronics.

  •         Easy Tips that will help!

    • Use what you already know.
    • Make flashcards & study every night.
    • You don't need to understant everything.
    • Take risks, relax & be patient.
    • Plan to see me during Activity period.
    • Use websites, www.studyspanish.com.
    • Go to duolingo.com / Babbel.com to practice language. Great Apps.
    • Practice with the flash cards/ lessons and other activities for each chapter on our class             Sra. Friedman web page :)
    • Have fun with the language.