•  Science
  • Please check Genesis frequently. Grades are updated at least weekly!

    My philosophy for teaching science with the Next Generation Science Standards is "activity before instruction." I have tailored my labs around this. Research shows that when activites are done before instruction, students have better understanding of the activity, or in this case, the labs. 


    When homework is given, it is always written on the board. Students are expected to bring their agendas to class every day and record their homework. 


    Each week a classwork grade is given based on students being prepared every day. Each day they must bring: their science binder, their agenda, a pencil, and participate at least once each class period. There are 4 points able to be earned each day. The total points earned each week will be added and recorded into a weekly classwork grade that is displayed in Genesis. (If a student is absent, they automatically earn their 4 points for that day.)


    Advanced notice are always given for tests and quizzes.