• Every sentence starts with a capital and ends with punctuation.

    Nouns are: people, places, things, and sometimes ideas.

      They can be common, proper, and/or compound!

    We always write in perfect paragraphs!

    * Topic sentence

     * Supporting details with examples to support

    *Clincher- restates the topic sentence in an interesting way

    Simple subject- noun or pronoun that the sentence is about

    simple predicate- verb that shows action or expresses a condition that applies to the subject

    We also know that signal words help to tell us what kind of a paragraph we are reading.

    We use transition words correctly according to what type of paragraph we are writing to make our paragraphs flow.


    We should use context clues to figure out unkown words.  Box the unknown word, then underline clues to figure out meaning.


    When writing we should combine sentences using conjunctions to make them more interesting.


    Sentences should be full of details! 


    Short answer responses should be supported with examples from the story!


    Every paper turned in should be in blue or black ink, no holed paper, and have the proper heading!


    We use pronouns to replace nouns.  The noun that the pronoun refers back to is called the antecedent.


    We know how to use linking verbs and helping verbs. 




    We know how to write five paragraph essays!  The first paragraph restates the topic as well as thesis.  There are three supporting paragraphs that focus on each topic discussed in the thesis.  The conclusion restates the question and thesis again in an interesting way!