• Delegate Assignments

  • Township Committee Delegate

    The Westampton Township delegates are liaisons between the Board of Education and the Westampton Township Committee, Recreation Department, Police Department and any other Township entity.


    New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA)

    The New Jersey School Boards Association, a federation of boards of education, provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and the achievement of all students through effective governance.  The Association is governed by its Delegate Assembly. Every board has a vote in the Delegate Assembly—one board, one vote. Each local school board selects a delegate and an alternate.

    The Delegate Assembly meets twice a year in the months of May/June and November/December to determine the Association's positions on educational issues, and to set the by-laws under which it operates.


    Burlington County School Boards Association (BCSBA)

    The membership of the Burlington County School Boards Association (BCSBA) is made up of all constituent school districts in the county. The goal of BCSBA is to enhance the skills and knowledge of local board of education members throughout Burlington County. BCSBA serves as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas and as a catalyst to expedite and initiate action.


    Legislative Delegate

    The Legislative Delegate attends NJSBA's meetings with legislators. Most meetings are held in the lawmaker’s local district office. Board members delegates are urged to attend meetings with legislators who represent their districts. The meeting schedule is available on the NJSBA Legislative Corner website.