Unit 1
    Red Words: where, there, they
    Spelling Words: grade, whale, plane, flame, grape, plate, slide, bike, smile, slime, shine

     *long a, i_e*


    Unit 2
    Red Words: your, want, of
    Spelling Words: phone, globe, chose, broke, froze, cute, use, theme, these, eve, here

     *long e, o, u_e*


    Unit 3
    *-ff, -ss, -zz, -ll*


    Unit 4

    Red Words: word, said, their
    Spelling Words: shrank, shrunk, drink, chunk, string, sprang, strong, spring, swung, throng, blink, sling


    Unit 5
    Red Words: about, other, many
    Spelling Words: speak, thread, beach, bread, clean, spread, dream, head, least, read, treat, stream

     *ea-long and short*


    Unit 6
    Red Words: some, more, two
    Spelling Words: plow, cloud, down, couch, drown, slouch, crowd, proud, frown, sprout, town, pound



    Unit 7
    Red Words: would, could, look
    Spelling Words: chain, sway, braid, stray, sprain, play, paint, spray, tray, snail, clay, mail



    Unit 8
    Red Words: should, who, has
    Spelling Words: sunset, suntan. Inside, outside, mailbox, bathtub, himself, mitten, sudden, cannot

     *compound words, review-open & closed syllables*


    Unit 9
    Red Words: because, been, water
    Spelling Words: curbside, church, Thursday, burst, disturb, first, skirt, birthday, enter, winter, number, thirst

     *Bossy R- er, ur, ir*


    Unit 10
    Red Words: people, only, very
    Spelling Words: start, smart, garden, partner, sharpen, market, forget, order, storm, porch, sport, short

     *Bossy R- ar, or*


    Unit 11

    Red Words: does, through, too
    Spelling Words: boil, coin, point, spoil, join, foil, boyish, decoy, enjoy, destroy, annoy, cowboy

     *oi, oy*


    Unit 12
    Red Words: called, work, write
    Spelling Words: eight, neighbor, sleigh, neigh, weight, great, break, steak, bear, wear

     *Ea, eigh (long a sound)*


    Unit 13
    Red Words: two, too, to, there, their, they're

     Spelling Words: ate, eight, our, hour, tail, tale, here, hear, where, wear, which, witch, weight, wait
