• preschool


    Preschool Programming

    Full-Day Self-Contained Preschool Program 

    The full-day preschool disabled program is an IEP team generated program for students’ eligible as Preschool Disabled students. Eligible students requiring a full day program would benefit from a speech infused environment that is geared toward students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis or those students displaying features of this disorder.  The program is service laden and center based using many ABA principles. Abiding by the New Jersey Administrative Code 6:14 provisions, Westampton maintains a maximum class size of six students, one special education teacher, and two paraprofessionals.

    Half-Day Self-Contained Preschool Disabled Program:

    As students enter the Westampton school system either through Early Intervention or Child Find, they are evaluated. If the results of the evaluation determine eligibility under the New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14 as Preschool Disabled, we have a self-contained program half-day morning option available for our three and four-year-old students. Maximum class size is twelve students with a special education teacher and two paraprofessionals (one paraprofessional if under nine students). 

    Half-Day Integrated Preschool Program:

    Our integrated/inclusive half-day preschool program option is offered for three and four-year-old students in the morning and afternoon sessions. This program offers an affordable preschool option for members of the community within the district by highly qualified staff. Classes have no more than eight IEP driven students, and up to twelve non-special needs students to assure that we do not over represent a more needy population of students. This class, while a “general education” environment within the district’s preschool programming, has a Child Study Team case manager given the presence of special needs students.


    Kindergarten through 8th grade

    Co-teaching Classrooms (K through 5)


    Self-Contained Language Learning Disabilty (LLD) Classrooms (grades K/1; 2/3; 4/5)


    Self-Contained Autism Classrooms (grades K/1; 2/4; 5/8)