• Westampton Township Public Schools

    2016-2017 Board of Education Goals

    Coordinated with Our Strategic Planning Goals


    Strategic Plan Goal #1:  

    Utilize data formatively for instructional and student growth.


    BOE Goal 1.

    Student Achievement:  The Westampton Township Board of Education will review disaggregated data from our District Data Teams. Assessment data analyses and cohort analyses will be part of our State of the Schools report.


    Strategic Plan Goal #2:

     Recruit and retain diverse faculty and staff.


    BOE Goal 2.

    Human Resources: The Westampton Township Board of Education will support equity in ethnic and cultural diversity, enlisting the support of our community in attracting and retaining staff reflective of our student demographics.


    Strategic Plan Goal #3:

    Enhance our school culture for parent/guardian involvement.


    BOE Goal 3.

    Community Engagement: The Westampton Township Board of Education will oversee production of a School District to Community communiqué to highlight our schools, engage the community in strategic planning goals, provide enrollment information, and enhance parent and community opportunities for input on school related decisions.


    BOE Goal 4.

    Fiscal Responsibility:  The Westampton Township Board of Education will exhibit a forward-thinking philosophy by overseeing a minimum unassigned balance in its’ general fund ranging from one (1%) to three (3%) percent of the subsequent year’s budgeted expenditures and outgoing transfers.