• Welcome to Kindergarten - the FISH room!!!!!

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    School hours: 8:35 AM - 3:35 PM

    Students (walkers) can come in the building (at the gym) starting at 8:25.

    We are usually out the door for dismissal (walkers) at 3:25.


    Half day hours: 8:35 AM - 1:05 PM

    Walkers usually come out at 1:00.


    Arrival Information

    Try to make every effort to have your child arrive at school on time.  We begin our Morning Meeting right away at 8:35 and we wouldn't want your child to miss anything!


    Dismissal Information

    It is EXTREMELY important that your child knows how they are leaving school every day.  If there is anything different from your child's NORMAL dismissal, a note MUST come to school. 

    It is very difficult to organize 20+ students at the end of the day if they do not know how they are going home.

    An adult must be at the bus stop to pick up K students from the bus.

    Walkers get dismissed from the Kindergarten doors located by the Kindergarten playground at the exit to the parking lot.



    You can go online to view your child's account and/or make an online payment at www.schoolspaymentportal.com

    Lunch each day costs $2.75. Reduced lunch is $0.40


    Premuim Lunch (Pat's Pizza) is $3.00 - when noted on the lunch menu.


    Please send in a snack with your child EVERY DAY. 





    Special Classes

    Day 1 - Library and Technology

    Day 2 -Gym

    Day 3 - Art

    Day 4 - Gym

    Day 5 - Library

    Day 6 - Music


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