• Red Words & Spelling Words 


    • Red Words are words that students are unable to sound out since they do not follow a basic phonetic pattern.
    • Spelling Words will be words that follow the specific phoneme or skill that we are working on in class.
    • Please refer to your child's Spelling Notebook each week for an updated list of words.
    • Students should be studying their words daily.




    Red Words

    Spelling Words


     any, what, where, there

    grade, whale, plane, flame, grape, plate, slide, bike, smile, slime, shine

    *long a, i _e*


    were, your, pretty, want 

    phone, globe, chose, broke, froze, cute, use, theme, these, eve, here 

    *long e,o,u_e*



     *-ff, -ss, -zz, -ll*


     word, said, their

    shrank, shrunk, drink,    chunk, string, sprang, strong, spring, swung, throng, blink, sling


    about, other, many

    speak, thread, beach, bread, clean, spread, dream, head, least, read, treat, stream

    *ea-long and short*


    some, more, two

    plow, cloud, down, couch, drown, slouch, crowd, proud, frown, sprout, town, pound



    would, could, look

    chain, sway, braid, stray, sprain, play, paint, spray, tray
    snail, clay, mail



    should, who, has

    sunset, suntan, inside, outside, mailbox, bathtub, himself, mitten, sudden, cannot

    *compound words, review- open & closed syllables*


    because, been, water

    curbside, church, Thursday, burst, disturb, first, skirt, birthday, enter, winter
    number, thirst

    *Bossy R- er, ur, ir*


    people, only, very

    start, smart, garden        partner, sharpen, market, forget, order, storm, porch, sport, short

    *Bossy R- ar, or*


    does, through, too

    boil, coin, point, spoil, join, foil, boyish, decoy, enjoy, destroy, annoy, cowboy

    *oi, oy*