

    School hours: 8:35 AM - 3:35 PM

    We dismiss out of the Kindergarten doors (by the small playground)at 3:30 p.m. If you are not there by 3:35, you will need to pick your child up at the Main Office. Please have your photo ID ready. 

    Half day hours: 8:35 AM - 1:05 PM

    We dismiss out of the Kindergarten doors (by the small playground)at 1:05 p.m.



    You can go online to view your child's account and/or make an online payment at:  www.schoolpaymentportal.com

    Regular Lunch: $2.90

    Reduced lunch is $0.40

    Premium Lunch (Pat's Pizza): $3.15


    **Please note that we still have lunch on early dismissal days.**

    Snack: We will have snack in the classroom daily. Please pack a snack for your child.