• BEE Binder


    B(bring) E(everything) E(everyday)

    The BEE Binder will assist your child with organizational skills and help to maintain effective communication between school and home. 

    The inside cover, (labeled NOTES from Home/School), is where you should place any important notices from home; such as lunch money, snack money, Aftercare envelopes, book orders, etc. This is also where we may place any important/time sensitive notices from the main office, or one of your child's teachers. 



    *Please check your child's BEE Binder daily.

    *Money coming into school should always be placed in an envelope or Ziploc bag with your child's first and last name, 1-C, and the amount. Please identify what the money is for (ex: snack or lunch money, book order, party, PTA, etc.)